Publicaciones 2011-2020


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Diaz, C; Valenzuela, M L; Segovia, M; Correa, K; Campa, De La R; Soto, A P

Solution, Solid-State Two Step Synthesis and Optical Properties of Zno and Sno2 Nanoparticles and Their Nanocomposites with Sio2 Artículo de revista

Journal of Cluster Science, 29 (2), pp. 251-266, 2018, ISSN: 1040-7278.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: center chitin, chitosan, crystal-structure, dot fine-structure, kinetics, mechanisms, nanostructures, photoluminescence, sio2, size sno2 solid-state synthesis, zinc-oxide, zno


Diaz, C; Barrera, G; Segovia, M; Valenzuela, M L; Osiak, M; O'dwyer, C

Crystallizing Vanadium Pentoxide Nanostructures in the Solid-State Using Modified Block Copolymer and Chitosan Complexes Artículo de revista

Journal of Nanomaterials, 10.1155/2015/105157 , 2015, ISSN: 1687-4110.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: electrochemical gold growth, intercalation, mechanisms, nanocomposites, nanoparticles, optical-properties, photoluminescence, precursors, properties, ruthenium