Publicaciones 2011-2020


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Toral, M I; Sanchez, G; Fernandez, P; Pizarro, P; Moncada, V; Rivas, J; Richter, P

Ferrospectral Sorbed on Deae Sephadex a-25 for the Solid Phase Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron and Cobalt by Batch and Continuous Flow Modes Artículo de revista

Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 56 (2), pp. 682-687, 2011, ISSN: 0717-9324.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: continuous determination, determinations, electrode, elements extraction, fe food heavy-metal ions, mixtures, phase samples, sephadex solid spectrometric spectrometry, stripping voltammetry, water