Publicaciones 2011-2020


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Allende-González, P; Laguna-Bercero, M A; Barrientos-Poblete, L; Valenzuela, M L; Diaz, C

Solid State Tuning of Tio2 Morphology, Crystal Phase, and Size through Metal Macromolecular Complexes and Its Significance in the Photocatalytic Response Artículo de revista

Acs Applied Energy Materials, 1 (7), pp. 3159-3170, 2018, ISSN: 2574-0962.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: anatase, morphology, nanocrystalline nanoparticles, organic particle-size, phase, photocatalysis, pollutants, rutile size solid-state synthesis, tio2 tio2, titanium-oxides