Publicaciones 2011-2020


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Barahona, P; Galdámez, A; Lopez-Vergara, F; Manriquez, V; Pena, O

Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Chromium-Based Cu(Cr2-Xtix)S-4 Thiospinels and Their Deficient Structures Cu1-Y Rectangle Ycr2-Xtixs4 Obtained by Copper Extraction Artículo de revista

Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 59 (1), pp. 2294-2298, 2014, ISSN: 0717-9707.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: copper cr, cuti2s4, cuzr2s4 electrical-properties, extraction, ferrimagnetic intercalation, lithium magnetoresistance, mixed perovskites, spin-glass, thiospinel, valence