Publicaciones 2011-2020


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Herrera-Marschitz, M; Perez-Lobos, R; Lespay-Rebolledo, C; Tapia-Bustos, A; Casanova-Ortiz, E; Morales, P; Valdes, J L; Bustamante, D; Cassels, B K

Targeting Sentinel Proteins and Extrasynaptic Glutamate Receptors: A Therapeutic Strategy for Preventing the Effects Elicited by Perinatal Asphyxia? Artículo de revista

Neurotoxicity Research, 33 (2), pp. 461-473, 2018, ISSN: 1029-8428.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: basal brain-damage, cell cell-death, cultures, death, delayed encephalopathy encephalopathy, factor-i, ganglia, gfap, hypoxia, hypoxic hypoxic-ischemic inducible ischaemic leukomalacia, map-2, memantine, n-acetylcysteine neonatal niacinamide, nitric-oxide nmda nnos, organotypic oxidative rat rat, receptors, stress, substantia-nigra, synthase, tunel


Aguirre, P; Garcia-Beltran, O; Tapia, V; Munoz, Y; Cassels, B K; Nunez, M

Neuroprotective Effect of a New 7,8-Dihydroxycoumarin-Based Fe2+/Cu2+ Chelator in Cell and Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease Artículo de revista

Acs Chemical Neuroscience, 8 (1), pp. 178-185, 2017, ISSN: 1948-7193.

Resumen | Enlaces | BibTeX | Etiquetas: activity, antioxidant antioxidant, basal brain chelator, complex content, coumarin-based coumarins, disease, ganglia, i, inhibitory-activity, iron iron-copper lipid-peroxidation, model, mouse neurodegeneration neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, niptp oxidative parkinsons stress, with